to my reflections on slow living in the fast lane. Slow, as I aspire to fill my days with meaning and purpose, and fast because of all these kids (I’ve got five). I write and teach on practicing presence with God and each other within a messy, mundane and ordinary life. Thanks for stopping by, I pray you find something here that nourishes your soul.
Browse more writings below.
A Mother’s Worth
It started with buying life insurance. I’ve never had it, and started looking at policies the week my mother-in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She
Running on Empty
If you would have told me months ago that a pandemic was coming, I would have gotten the formula all wrong on what would be
Rest as an Act of Worship
Yesterday, my son and I went out to find some milk and eggs. In normal times, I wouldn’t shop, since we have about a week’s
A Toast to My 21st Cancer Anniversary
Today, my cancer anniversary can legally have a drink. I was twenty when I was diagnosed with stage three melanoma. Last year when I turned
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