The musings you will find here are often about nothing at all but about everything that matters to me. It is about having too much: 5 kids, 3 cars, one over-active husband, and one lazy dog. I nod along with the old ladies observing me in Target with five kids in tow. “You’ve got your hands full!” they love to say, and I agree since I know they mean it in the best way. I like, especially, when they ask if they are all mine, as though for fun, I pick up my friend’s kids on a Saturday morning for a sweaty, maniacal jaunt to Target.

In another sense, I write about not having enough: time, energy, money, faith. I feel as though I could be a lot more spiritual if I was not interrupted every 5 minutes by people who have lost their reading log, or are just wondering how whales sleep or would like to know for the 15th time when dinner will be ready. (Spoiler: it is at the same time every day.) I’m trying to find God in this tension of abundance and lack; trying to find Him in the chaos and noise and demands. If the little I know about Him is true, He is out there finding me too, snagging my attention with neon sunsets and perfectly risen loaves of bread. I’m beginning to see how He can be found, not only outside of, or before, but within the messy, the mundane, and the ordinary.

Along with essays here, I’ve written for several online and print publications including (in)Courage Magazine, Homefront Magazine, and the Redbud Post. I contributed six essays to the forthcoming The Message Women’s Devotional Bible (summer 2025). I am a proud member of the Redbud Writers Guild, a group of diverse writers seeking to influence faith and culture by expanding the feminine, theological voice. I am currently editing my first book: Come Away and Rest: A Guide to Personal, Spiritual Retreats with IVP which will be available at all major retailers in January 2026. If you like what you read here, I think you’ll like that too.

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