
Retreat Guide

This retreat guide is intended for the person who is curious about an individual retreat but unsure where to start. Included are practical tools, things to consider, and a brief overview of the nature and purpose of personal retreats. To begin is to acknowledge that any inkling, any curiosity that you have about time away

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A Mother’s Worth

It started with buying life insurance. I’ve never had it, and started looking at policies the week my mother-in-law was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She was going to die, and I, helpless to stop it, fretted about other, controllable things instead. My mind dimmed, closing around one singular idea: what would happen to my kids

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The Food Arc

Later today I will go to a birthday party for a child turning one. And although this child will have no idea what is happening, and no ongoing recollection of the day’s events, we will all coo and cheer as if our lives depended on it. I was talking with James (the dad) about his

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